Rainy day places to check out in London
With the weather alternating between glorious sunshine and heat and grey skies with rain, it can be difficult deciding what to do, especially if you had the barbecue of your dreams all planned out when the huge dark clouds start rolling in. Don’t panic if it starts raining and you think you’ll be bored, we’ve got some ideas of how to keep busy no matter the weather.
Check out a weird museum
Don’t head to the National History Museum straight away if it rains as this can be packed with tourists and other shelter seekers alike, instead try somewhere with a bit of a twist like the Grant Museum of Zoology. While not great for little kids as there are plenty of skulls, pickled animals and bisected heads on show, you may learn some fascinating facts about the animal kingdom and find yourself losing track of time until the sun starts shining again.
See an art installation for the King Of Pop
Loved Michael Jackson? The National Portrait Gallery has the perfect day out for you. Running until October 21st, this exhibition showcases the effect of the music icon on some of the leading artists and was opened to coincide with what would have been MJ’s 60th birthday.
Treat yourself to something sweet
You’d be hard pressed to find someone who hasn’t heard of the famous Choccywoccydoodah, a willy wonka world for everyone who can’t get enough of chocolate. Responsible for making some of the biggest and most spectacular chocolate sculptures and cakes for famous clientele, you’ll leave here with a lighter wallet but a full stomach.