How to tell if you have sunstroke
In this current glorious heatwave it can be very tempting to set up a towel in your park and lie soaking up the sun all day, but not only are there the obvious risks of burning and increasing chances of developing skin cancer to contend with, but developing sun stroke which may people don’t consider. Here are some of the ways you can make sure you enjoy the sun safely!
Dr Emma Wedgeworth, Consultant Dermatologist and British Skin Foundation spokesperson says “The medical definition of sunstroke (also known as heat stroke) is a core body temperature of over 40 degrees Celsius. The reaction is more to the heat than to the sun itself. Whilst the skin on the outside shows signs of sunburn, inside your body, organs can be damaged as well.”
When you realise just how dangerous sun stroke can be you need to know what to look out for, so here are some of the most common symptoms.
- Red sore skin, this may just be mistaken for sunburn but keep an eye out if it happens with any of these others
- Dizziness
- Nausea and vomiting
- Throbbing headache
- Muscle weakness
Milder effects can also include feeling fatigued or even fainting from overexposure to the sun. If you do have sun stroke this is a medical emergency and anyone affected should seek medical attention as soon as possible while moving to the shade and cooling the body down by removing excess clothing and applying cool water to the