WIN! 6 months supply of ActiKid children’s vitamins!
With the events of the past year, we all know it’s more important than ever for children to get the vitamins they need for healthy growth and development, and to boost their immunity. That’s where ActiKid can help. With products manufactured using the highest quality Vegan & Vegetarian ingredients in the UK and EU, ActiKid has a wide range of vitamins to nourish your kids from birth into childhood.
To enter this giveaway for 3 lucky winners simply follow all steps below.
1. Follow the 2 below Instagram accounts:
2. Please fill in the form below as the winners will be informed via email.
#WIN 6 months supply of ActiKid children’s vitamins!!
This offer is open to all UK residents only.
Strictly you must be aged 18 and over
You are only entered into this competition if you enter your full and correct email
address and follow all steps above
We cannot guarantee the exact product or value you receive
We cannot guarantee delivery date
The winner will be informed via email and will receive our newsletters which you can unsubscribe from at any time.
The winner will be selected at random from this competitions email entries.
Following all above steps is not compulsory apart from filling in the form.
We observe the right to withdraw this offer if needed
Closing date May 11th 2021