By Cinta London
If it hasn’t happened already, it’ll be about now that many of you will want to throw in the towel and give your nails a bash yourself.
Like a few of my friends, I will be honest and say I did contemplate buying my own nail kit and trawled the online beauty sites to try and replicate my trusted Nail technicians kit.
I had followed advice from the experts and soaked off the last of my gorgeous dove grey gel nail polish , leaving behind the outgrown talons that have seen better days.
Just before I pressed the pay button and invested in yet another piece of kit I’d have to find a home for, I thought “Wait!!”
I swiftly remembered that I’m not going anywhere and I’m definitely not doing anything within my home that warrants needing the toughness of the usual SNS or Gel. Instead like everything else, I decided to use this time to nurture and allow my own nails to get strong and take care of my hands the way I do face
Orly have fast become my favourite Nailcare brand to take care of my talons.
Orly Nailtrition is a Nail Growth Treatment that you can simply use as a weekly treatment course to help the growth.
One coat a day will rapidly get you on your way. Perfect for those who have always wanted to be able to grow their nails.
Followed by the Orly Nail Defense protein treatment. Who knew it could be so simple
Available at

Lets not forget your cuticles. That stubborn layer of skin that can sometime overgrow the nail bed and look flakey.
Keep them soft and moisturised for the easiest way to make your nail beds looking clean and glossy.
Try: Orly Gel FX Cuticle oil from their professional range, a tiny drop goes a long way and the smell will make you feel like a kid in a sweet shop.
Burt’s Bees Lemon Butter Cuticle Crème contails a blend of sweet almond oil and vitamin E to keep those cuticles super soft and comes in perfect pocket size tin to keep in your handbag so you can always have it at hand.
In my line of work, my hands are constantly dry especially when spending a day cutting and styling hair. Now at home I’ve swapped those tasks and find my mits in the sink and tackling the spring cleaning with cleaning products more often then usual.
So as ever, my hands need more softening then I’m getting from the promised Fairy Liquid so I invest in a super high quality Hand Cream.
Try Replenishing Protection Hand Cream
by QMS Medicosmetics
A deep treatment that smoothes the roughest of hands.
and if like me you can’t resist the smell of Chocolate or Coconut then Palmers have your back on that one
Palmers available at Superdrug.
Instagram and Pin interest are great ways to get inspiration if you fancy being a bit more daring or practising your artistic skills.
With the likes of @michelleclassnails offering live workshop on her signature celebrity looks and @laurapinknails creating high fashion press on nails available for purchase,there is definitely no need to be subtle.
Fancy having a bit more fun but unsure of maintaining a steady hand, then @ciatelondon Cheat Sheets will make you feel like you’ve just had your nails done by a trendy nail artist on your own. What a hack!!!